Download Minecraft One Block 1.17.1 from Planet Minecraft and extract it. ▌/ob reload chests.yml - reload chests?.Follow these steps below to download and install the Minecraft One Block map on Minecraft Java Edition: ▌/ob listlvl 12 - displays a list of blocks added at the level from blocks.yml ▌/ob listlvl - displays a list of levels from blocks.yml ▌/ob islands default - resets the custom island and sets the default. ▌/ob islands set_my_by_def - sets your island as default for new players. ▌ 16+level now*level multiplier ▌/ob UseEmptyIslands true - whether to overwrite abandoned islands. ▌ # If you set it too high, players will die from falling) ▌/ob lvl_mult 5 - The number of blocks that must be broken to get a new level is calculated using the formula: ▌/ob frequency "value" //less is better but lower tps (6 - 8 is recommend) ▌/ob IDreset - removes you from the player base. ▌/ob kick 'playername' - kick an invited player off your island. ▌/ob invite 'playername' - invites the player to the island. ▌ #Apply physics to blocks? //for example: falling gravel ▌/ob droptossup true - throws up a drop (item) above the block.
▌/ob protection true - does not allow players to get out of the island)
▌/ob autojoin true - when players connect to the world with oneblock mode, they will automatically join it.
▌/ob circlemode true - the mode of creating islands in a circle. ▌/ob set 500 - set the first block and setting the distance of 500 blocks between the islands. Main Commands: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▌/ob set - set the first block /ob set 1 time for the admin then just /ob join and the island will be created by itself.